
Mona's Eyes

Saturday, March 3, 2012

How I Curl My Hair

I occasionally curl my hair because it's naturally straight and I think I look pretty with a curls, it stays for a few hours then the curls fades away. The Hair spray doesn't really help to make the curls, my mum said my hair is difficult to curl. I even tried braiding it a few times but it takes minutes... In this blog, I will explain how I curl my hair.

  1. Divide the hair into six or four parts (so that it won't trouble you while curling)
  2. Turn on the curl iron and leave it for a few minutes until it starts to heat up.
  3. Then, Get one part of hair and roll it on the curl iron.
  4. I usually let my hair on the curling iron for two-three minutes.
  5. Finally, spray some hair spray on. 
I hope you can try this... it takes time but it's easy and worth it.

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